Ephemeral0world, formerly known as ephermalworld made its first post on February 28, 2021. The account was public and was designed to be a collection of aesthetic images. That vision didn't last long. After only 12 posts spanning 8 days, ephermalworld went silent.
Almost a year later, on February 27, 2022 ephemeral0world made its fated return, but only after going private and removing all of its followers. The new purpose of the account was to serve as an archive for the happenings of my life. With 0 followers, the plan was to keep the account private and document my life for my own review in the future. Again, this vision was not long lived, as ephemeral0world gained its first follower that very day. Ephemeral0world still remained very secretive, with only two followers until June 11, 2022.
The account truly began to take off as a result of the Governor's Ball and my service trip to Maryland. With an abudnance of memorable images that had been rercently taken, I was ready to allow a select group of people follow to see the content. The acceptance proccess has remained highly selective and has amassed a total of 20 followers. The account has consistently had a waiting list and still, once a person has followed the account, their access can be revoked at any time for any reason. Since June of 2021, there have been 7 account removals, with some being temporary and some being permanent. The exclusivity of the account has resulted in a waiting list of people who have yet to be accepted, some of whom never will be.
The ephemeral0world groupchat is an offset of the instagram account. It features almost every follower and is used for news and special updates surrounding the account.
In total, ephemeral0world follows 2 accounts. After being accepted, it is even harder to earn a follow back. Only extremely rare circumstances warrant a follow back from the account.
Current day ephemeral0world consists of regular multi slide posts of content that I curate and deem memorable. ephemeral0world will remain private and exclusive to people I consider a part tof my inner circle. The goal of this website is to expand the capabilities of this project beyond instagram slideshows and allow it to become the fullest and most unadulterated expression of who I am.